Flexible Workforce Development Fund
Support and online applications for training funds managed by Our Skillsforce
Flexible Training
Get funding to address priority skill gaps and invest in your workforce through training and professional development.
Funding is available for Levy-paying Employers based or operating within Scotland (wholly or partially) in the private, public or third sector.
You can only submit one application.
Due to unprecedented levels of demand, the FWDF application route for levy-paying employers via private training provision is now closed.
See below for alternative 2022/23 FWDF funding routes...
Need help?
For specific fund queries email
Phone Support: 0800 783 6000
Due to unprecedented levels of demand, Flexible Workforce Development Fund applications for levy-paying employers via private training provision have now closed.
You can still access the Fund via your local college or via the Open University in Scotland.
For more information on the these alternative routes, please see:
Scottish Funding Council - Flexible Workforce Development Fund Guidance
or find your local delivery college: Colleges in Scotland offering Flexible Workforce Development Fund
If you have any questions please, please email fwdf@sds.co.uk